Thursday, August 9, 2007

More Frog shots

We have this pond in the backyard. Our daughter Katie made it about 14 years ago. She was about 12 at the time. She had said we needed a water feature. We said if she wanted a water feature she should make it. So she did. It has a flexible liner and has held up reasonably well over the years. It has hearty waterlilies in it, along with some little fish and some frogs. There are the neighborhood frogs that come every year and take up residence. We also get some mail order tadpoles to add to the gene pool.
They are very timid, and usually jump right into the water when they hear us coming. This sprng there was on frog that was willing to just sit and let me just come right up and take its pictures. Therefore the first pictures are pretty clear. More recently it seems that there are more frogs, maybe 5-6 that are always sitting around, either on the edge or on a liliy pad. When any one of them hears me coming it jumps in with a squeek and starts a real chain reaction. Picture taking has become a trickier task.
These first two pictures are from June 24, a date that seems so long ago.

It is not always sunny at the pond.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...certainly not the typical 'corner lot.'

We just got our first waterlily blossom of the summer! Haven't been 'ponding' long enough for frogs yet, though, so thanks for sharing your photos!