Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mears Garden news- - July 20, 2010- Summer

Hello again.
July breezes along, with its heat and glorious lilies. The Oriental lilies and their cousins are the jewels of garden at the moment.
I bought 10-15 Casa Blanca white lilies 3-4 years ago. They are coming into their prime. Wonderful clumps of bright white appear several places in the garden.
For all that grandeur it is hard to escape the fact that the summer is fading. The daylilies are fading early this year. It seems that they usually last until the end of July. This year they are/were mostly done by July 15.
The daylight is also slipping away. I am up at 5 this morning and there is dark. A month ago it would not have been this dark.

Positive- remember the positive. It has been hot, some days where you just don’t want to go outside after about noon. As the summer slips away those days should become less frequent. And the real challenge for the gardener begins. What will you do to make the August-October garden look good, or even better? I will tell you more about those thoughts in the near future.
For now let me give you some pictures. On the blog the technology has returned and you can even vote for your favorite.

Here is a wonderful pink lily.

Then there is a new orchid cactus. When I lost that big pink one several years ago I responded by getting about 6 new ones. This one has now bloomed. It was worth the wait.

How about some yellow? I wish I could ell how to get that black background. It does show off the color.

Finally there is Nymph, one of the sturdiest and showiest of my lilies. Check out the bonus pictures where a full stem of Nymph appears.

So I did fix the technical glitch and have been able to put the poll back in place. You can vote this week if you wish. There will be voting in the fall.

Here are bonus pictures.

Enjoy the week.


Judith said...

I am still in Wyoming, where it is greener than usual--but nothing like Iowa. Peonies are just finishing here. The wild yellow roses are in full bloom. One yard near Laura is naturalized--I'll get some photos. Thanks for getting the glitches fixed. Judith

Ann Flowers said...

What a unique treasure! I love each and every picture of flowers on your blog.