Sunday, March 28, 2010

Picture Contest- Week 18- March 28, 2010- The winner Is...

Your winner this year and the Picture of the year is the Pink Poppies

The total voting was
Bluebell combo 16
Pink Poppies 21
Blue Iris 16
White poppy- 9
Total voting 62

So there you have it. The Fourth Annual Mears Garden Picture contest is history.
Thank you all for participating. It was fun for me. I particularly appreciated all the comments during the winter.
We did it. We got through the winter. Spring is here. A new set of flowers are out there. Maybe you will see one of them next fall. But before we get to fall there is a lot of gardening to do.
Here are some of the new pictures. There is also an entire special post right below this one, all about crocuses.

This is a snowdrop. It is slightly different from most of the ones in the garden. They hang down so sometimes you don't see them. They do make nice patterns.

This was the first daffodil of the year, blooming on March 23. Last year the first daffodil didn't bloom until April 1. Of course we had snow on April 29. I guess that will not happen this year.

I will have one last picture contest related post next week. I would like to reflect some and please join me with the same.
After the contest ends, the regular garden news posts will appear. So don’t go away. If you need that picture fix on Monday morning this is still the place to be.

And remember to come by when you have a chance. So much about a garden is how it changes, and evolves, both through the seasons and through the years. Sometimes people have open gardens when they go visit a garden. I would like to visit a garden every two weeks for the entire year. I want to see what follows what.
Since our garden is right here on a corner lot, you can do that. Watch the crocuses turn to hosta. Watch the squill change over to the bluebells. Which iris will be blooming when? This week there are the little bitty ones.


1 comment:

Catherine Woods said...

I initially voted for the Blue Iris, but then those pink poppies kept calling, so . . . I changed my vote. They're gorgeous. And, I agree, it's lovely to have had the contest to get us all through the winter. Here, we've got crocus, tulip, and daffodil leaves poking through ground that was only just recently covered with snow. So, spring has arrived in Colorado too! Hurrah. I love all your garden's new blooms. Thanks so much for sharing!