We are away from town this weekend, visiting Julia's family in the Chicago area. I will try to publish this from the road using our ten year old laptop.
News from the big city;
It is both crowded and sprawling.
Driving in the dark and the rain is not a good idea.
Google Maps- we were 1 for 2. It was a great help in avoiding the worst of the traffic on Friday evening. On the other hand it had a very hard time finding the big Orchid place- Hausermans.
We had a pleasant brunch with Julia's family/ All the small children behaved themselves and were quite entertaining,
We did finally get to Hauserman's and now have more orchids.
The new year is coming. I have my seeds ready. It turned out I had seed packets that were never opened from this past garden year. I had imagined at one point growing lettuce in the fall. It did not happen, as the garden year closed with a shortage of enthusiasm.
But I will plant some lettuce and some arugula inside, under lights. The packets say ready in 50 days. Let us see. (That in case you missed it is a phonetic pun.)
The end of the year is a time for reflection and to plan for the future. Maybe I will put that off, as mostly reflection and anticipation are not good for the blood pressure.
Last Week was week #5.
The winner was the Shirley poppy,
I will add the full vote when I can get back to my home computer. You can see the actual results under this week's poll.
The poppy had moved into a 6 vote lead midweek. That was too much to overcome as the last votes trickled in.
This Week is Week #5
#1 Stennorrhynchos 'Maise' February 17, 2024
Siberian Iris bloom after the bearded iris are finished. In some ways they are quite different. For one thing they have roots rather than rhizomes. This means they do not mind being wet. Bearded iris will rot if not given good drainage. Siberian iris like being wet.
Bonus Section
The story of the special orchid
I belong to a local orchid club. I have belonged to that club for 25 years. I like the group because you do not have to be a fanatic to belong.
Each year for your modest dues you get a free orchid. You get this plant if you attend the holiday dinner in early December. All the gift orchids are put on a table. Tickets are then drawn that determone the order in which people can pick out the orchid they want.
In December 2014, I picked this plant.
The name is Stenorrhynchos speciosus. I liked it in part because it really did not look like what most people think of as an orchid. One of its features was that it would usually bloom right after the first of the year.
It is listed as a terrestrial, native to Mexico and Central America. That means it grows in the ground, not attached to trees.
Here is is in 2019. The closeup shows you the individual flowers.
One of the activities of the local orchid club is to take members' plants to orchid shows around the upper midwest. I do not have many orchids for those shows. My orchid collection is only 20-25 plants. My orchids probably do not get the best attention as there are so many other plants. The orchids do all go outside for the summer, hanging from poles around the backyard.
Well last year, 2023, in the winter, I packed up this orchid and sent it to the shows. It came back loaded with ribbons. It scored well in whatever was the class they put it in. I figured it was in the odd-looking class.
Well 2024 rolled around. The plant had 13 stalks, compared to maybe 11 last year. I packed it up sending it north to St. Paul.
So on Saturday morning, in late January, the weekend of the St. Paul orchid show, the local club person who had taken the plant to the show, called me. Julia and I were out driving someplace. He told me the plant had been taken back for AOS judging. It had been awarded an AOS award, something called a Certificate of Cultural Merit, or CCM. It apparently scored 83 on some scale. OK
But what he said next was the remarkable part. He told me I got to the right to name the plant.
What? And I had to pick a name in the next 30 minutes. Remember, we were out driving around.
So remembering that Maisie really liked the color red, I picked the name "Maisie."
(Sometime this summer we will name a daylily "Christopher.")
So let me introduce to you Stennorynchos speciosus "Maisie."
Here is the plant, back on our dining room table, with some of the hardware and ribbons.
Wow- what do you do next?
Here is a closeup with one of the stalks. The individual flowers do look like what you think of as an orchid.
Someone who was judging counted the little flowers. There were 195 open. 118 remained in bud.
Here was the label at the next show the following week, in Madison.
More violet pictures
Right Now
Christmas is for tradition. We had Toby the tree this year. It is a tradition of getting new ornaments or even making some.
Julia's recipe
coconut milk fish
Here's another coconut-milk-based main dish. Why did it take me so long to come upon such deliciousness? This recipe does not use Thai curry paste, but rather other aromatic flavor-packed ingredients. Easy to prepare and fast and tasty.
The ingredients:
Odds and ends
This is really odd.
Something to celebrate - the return of the salmon on the Klamath River.
This rendition of the the Messiah never gets old. It makes us smile.
I do not know about you, but I have a hard time wishing people a happy new year.
This makes me think. How do you approach the coming darkness?
In church they tell us that light can overcome the darkness. OK.
Then I guess we must be those thousands of points of light someone talked about 20 years ago.
So I wish you the strength to make your light bright, to overcome the darkness.
Pray for peace.
Pray for kindness.
Pray that we all develop the strength to shine our own light. Together we shall just have enough light to make a difference.
Happy gardening. The plants that grow from seed will be brand new.
Tough contest this week! After some hand-wringing, I chose the violet. Loved the Maisie story. Congrats on your piece of posterity.
I could not resist the African violet. That is smashing! If not for the violet, I would have voted for Maisie. What a plant, and what a story. Just imagine having an orchid named for you!
Favorite quote of the blog: "I had imagined at one point growing lettuce in the fall. It did not happen, as the garden year closed with a shortage of enthusiasm." What an understatement!
Julia, such a fabulous fish recipe. -My recipe file is becoming dominated by fish dishes from the Mears blog!
I'm going to wish you a Happy New year regardless of the darkness. How can it hurt?
Looking closely at your peonies in bloom, they have multiple petals while my grandmother plant in Maryland is a single petal. I wonder if the Phoenix White crossed with a Bartzella that I had at the time.
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