I think it was Friday morning about 4:30 when there was thunder. It has rained so little these last two years that it was a novelty to hear thunder.
This time there was thunder without really any wind. The rain came straight down, and mostly soaked right in. Bob measured 1.6 inches next door. Officially it was 1.02 inch. But that was in addition to another gentle 1.13 this past Monday. Two rains in one week. Wow. I am not ready to put away the hose but this has been very welcome.
I can certainly attest to the fact that the weeds pulled easily yesterday, which really was the garden work day.
The little ornamental kale seedlings, planted 3 weeks ago, were unaffected by rain. They are in a greenhouse.
But look at them
Last Week the Night Blooming Cereus edged out the late daylily.
Bob took a really nice picture, of a flower that bloomed very late in the nighttime.
The full vote:
Here is the best from August 6-August 12, 2023
#1 Cactus flowers
Other pictures
Voodoo lilies are one of my new current favorites. We just got 11 plants for the backyard sale. I will write more next week. By the way the sale just passed the $5000 mark for the year.
Julia's recipe
Indian Squash
I have always (almost always) cooked with a plan. I write a menu on Thursday at dinner and shop on Friday afternoon (with a swing through the farmer's market on Saturday in the growing season). But sometimes in the summer vegetables happen, whether through the generosity of friends or through impulse purchases or through the productivity of our little garden plot. Then one has to figure out what to do with the unexpected. Here is a recipe if you find yourself with a medium-ish squash and some cherry tomatoes. The recipe is from Madhur Jaffrey's World of the East vegetarian cookbook.
Next, I heated the oil in a skillet on medium-high and added the cumin seed when the oil was kind of hot. I let the sumin seed sizzle away for maybe a minute or two.
After a few minutes (the onions started to soften, but no browning), I added the tomatoes. I turned down the heat to medium and put a lid on the skillet. After about 5 minutes, I took the lid off and used my potato masher to mash some of the tomatoes.
Here's a picture of all of the meal prep at once (except for the salad and the blueberries). The covered saucepan has basmati rice, steaming. The covered big skillet contains potato-yogurt curry, for which there is a recipe somewhere on the kitchen blog, and the little skillet is banana raita, for which there is also a recipe somewhere on the blog.
Shortly after that picture was taken, I added the squash, the salt and a little bit of water (like 1/4 cup) to the tomato-onion mixture. I stirred it up, put the lid back on the skillet and let it cook on medium for about 15 minutes.
Odds and Ends
New Garden words
The cluster of hoya flowers is called an "umbel."
Katie and Christopher have been following the adventures of this catepillar they found on their parsley. It will be a swallowtail butterfly. The video is to help show which end is the head.
Here is a still picture if the video does not work.
By the way, caterpillar poop is called "frass."
We had our own insect sighting. This was on our front porch screen. We really had a hard time figuring out which end was the head.
The days are getting shorter. It had to happen. My gardening is reduced as I mostly garden early in the morning. I keep waiting for the accompanied reduction in the hot afternoon temperatures.
Pray for peace. It seems like the war in Ukrane has gone on forever. We must not forget.
It is always so good to hear from all of you.
This is a rare time when the food looked as pretty being cooked as it did when served. You had me at sizzling onions and cherry tomatoes.
I can’t remember ever voting for a hibiscus before, but this was a modest but perfect flower.
Hope you are staying cool.
I had to vote for the cactus flower. Such a beauty-and-the-beast juxtaposition. You really have to give the poor old cactus a few huzzahs for producing such a dazzling display.
The video was wonderful, Julia. More cooking videos please! That particular video was (I can swear to it) so fragrant!
Love the caterpillar. Do keep us posted on his (her? its?) progress to the next stages.
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