Sunday, July 23, 2023

July 23, 2023- defeated by technology

No real blog this week. 10 days ago we got our cable back after not working for three weeks. There was a bad box, we finally learned. Mostly we have cable for TV and some streaming shows.

This week we came home on Wednesday for lunch. There was no internet. It is a different company from the cable. Since the land phone line from the same company was not working we concluded it was not the computers. So someone is coming tomorrow.

No internet at home means no real blog this week. We do have the internet at the office, which is where I am writing this Sunday morning. I have only limited access to my pictures.

On the whole being without internet seems more disruptive that being without TV. 

I will write a regular blog next week (hopefully).

There were gems in the garden the last few days as evidenced by the following.


It is dry again, with no moisture this past week. There is none in the 10 day forecast, with highs in the 90's. I am using the sprinkler again.

Why should Iowa be any different from a lot of places. 

Iowa's governor just announced a new slogan to go up on the interstate highways and I assume elsewhere. "Freedom to Flourish." That was in the same week that a special session of the legislature, which the governor called,  passed one of the most restrictive abortion statutes in the country.

Raygun, and I hope everyone knows Raygun, had a quick response in the T shirt. Flee to Flourish.

Be safe and stay cool. 

Pray for peace.



Kevin Parrott said...

This governor is a disgrace…!

Dave said...

I get queasy when the Internet goes down for an hour, so I feel your pain. Hope the Internet woes have been fixed.

Pat said...

Better than being without refrigeration and flushing, I suppose. But still... I hope the cable guy (or whoever it is) can fix you up.

Is Iowa trying to out-Florida Florida? Our Gov. De Satan now wants people (especially schoolchildren) to believe that slavery was a good thing, a sort of non-paid apprenticeship where grateful Blacks were taught valuable trades.

Every day, we silently scream.

philip Mears said...

We did get our internet back yesterday (Monday). It was also not our fault, an important measure since we did not have to pay for the technician to come make it better.
Now we are just bracing for the hot weather.
I fear for the future.
But I/we must never give up.